History - ilgallodoro.net

Il Gallo D'oro & Krimarò
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Founded in May 1985 by the Santoro family, it boasts a prestigious position well established in the Calabrian gastronomic panorama. Decorated in Art Nouveau style, the Gallo D'oro offers the possibility to choose between a renowned variety of rustic and among numerous tasty pizzas, products that together with the offers of typical local and national cuisine have made the place over the years an obligatory destination for vacationers and not. The Krimarò born in February 2005 and annexed to the Golden Rooster offers the possibility to taste a menu with a wide choice of food and beverage, in the context of a local old city pub with Mediterranean stylistic notes.
Il Gallo D'oro & Krimarò Pub - Partita IVA: 03094470808 Via Roma n°81 89018 Villa San Giovanni - Reggio Calabria Tel/Fax:0965752258 Cell:3409785746
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